Global Causes
Lions Clubs across New York State & Bermuda do many things. Here are the 5 that we focus on globally.
Click here or on the image to learn more.
Click to learn a little Lions Clubs history.
“Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.” That’s what makes a Leo club member. Members of Leo clubs embody the best qualities of our incredible organization. They are devoted young people who realize the power of action and embrace doing it with other like-minded young people who have service for others and the help for the less fortunate in their hearts.
Together, Leos and Lions form a powerful partnership — one of mutual respect where Lions learn from the innovative insights of Leos, and where Leos gain access to the proven strategies of those who’ve successfully served the world for decades.
We're always on the lookout for future leaders who can make what we do exponentially better.
The success of Lions Clubs Internationally and being the oldest and largest community service organization is only because of members and their commitment to serving others. That is at the heart of who our Leos are. The most incredible community of our younger Lions.
The 101st Annual New York State and Bermuda Convention, (aka MD-20) is taking place in Niagara Falls, New York on May 15th-18th, 2025.
(aka District 20-E1)
DG Albert Merrill & PIS
(Partner in Service) -Lion Aren Schank
5780 Hilltop Rd. Cuba, NY 14727
email (talk or text)
(aka District 20-E2)
DG Eric Rosenkrans & PIS
(Partner in Service) -Lion Frances Rosenkrans
54 Center Street, Union Springs, NY 13160
607-301-0449 (talk or text)
(aka District 20=K1)
DG Romeo Hitlall & PIS
(Partner in Service) -Sandra Hitlall
135-01 Lefferts Blvd S Ozone Park, NY 11420
(646) 481-5769 (talk or text)
(aka District 20-K2)
DG Maria J.Leitao
80 Custer Ave. Williston Park, NY 11596
516 527 7207 (talk or text)
(aka District 20-N)
Bette Stonebraker & PIS
(Partner in Service) - Sandy Shavanne
616 Harris Hill Rd., Lancaster, NY 14086
716-402-8466 (talk or text)
(aka District 20-O)
Stephen E. Jennison & PIS
(Partner in Service) - Cindy Jennison
18 Woodcrest Lane, Milton, NY 12547
845-489-8350 (talk or text)
(aka District R-1)
James Poulin & PIS
(Partner in Service) -Denise Gabriele-Poulin
331 Scenic Road Mohegan Lake, NY 10547
914-609-8252 (talk or text)
(aka District R-2)
Terry Paladini-Baumgarten & PIS
(Partner in Service) - Lion Sidney Baumgarten
2775 Rt. 130, Apt. B-320 North Brunswick, NJ 18902
917-345-5768 (talk or text)
(aka District 20-S)
Caryn F. Krauss Feldman
567 Blue Ridge Dr., Medford, NY 11763
631.714.7114 (talk or text)
(aka District 20W)
Holly McConchie & PIS
(Partner in Service) -Lion Margo Walrath
13 Marilyn Drive Glenville, NY 12302
518.400.0603 (talk or text)
(aka DISTRICT 20-Y)
Jill Skinner &
(Partner in Service)
PDG Thomas Skinner
3 West St., Windsor, NY 13865
International Association of Lions Clubs
300 22nd Street
Oakbrook, IL 60521-8842 USA
International Officers 2021 - 2022
Past International President
Douglas Alexander 2021 - 2022
web site
Past International President
Albert F. Brandel (Service Partner, Dr. Maureen Murphy) ... 2008-2009
Current International Director (2023-2025)
Anthony Paridiso
MD-20 Past International Directors
Gary Brown (Lion Barbara Brown) ...2019-2021
Robert Libin (Lion Michelle) ... 2015-2017
Dr. Steven Tremaroli (Lion Marianne) ... 2013-2015
Douglas X. Alexander ...................2010-2012
John Rabideau (Bernie) ....................2002-2004
Dr. Edward V. Cordes (Gail)......................1996-98
Albert F. Brandel (Maureen Murphy).........1993-95
PID Dr. Jack Weber (PARTNER Lion Pearl Glassman).....1985-87
last update 07/07/24
* 2024 Lions Leadership Institute Info Trifold
* 2024 Leadership Institute Application
* 2024 Lions Leadership Application Instructions
Lions Camp Badger
Empire State Special Needs Experience
(formerly Empire State Speech and Hearing Clinic)
Lions Camp Badger is a project of the Lions of New York State and Bermuda Lions Camp Badger is located 20 miles south of Ithaca, NY in a rural setting. Our program is designed to offer each child a great summer camp experience. Our dedicated staff work together as a team to meet each child’s special needs.
The camp program is designed to support each camper’s individual needs and goals; strengthen talents, skills and abilities; increase independent skills; gain self confidence and improve self awareness; make friends and have fun.
For more information, a copy of our Camp Facts, Fees and Schedule, and find our Camper Application, please go to our website,,call 1-800-232-7060, or e-mail
New York and Bermuda Lions Foundation
The New York State Bermuda Lions Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit corporation. Donated funds are disbursed as grants for humanitarian projects in local communities in conjunction with local Lions Clubs.
The Foundation receives contributions from individual Lions, Lion Clubs, Corporations, other Foundations, and runs fund raising activities throughout the year.
Since its founding in 1992, the Foundation has approved more than US$ 355,000 for service projects that have improved the quality of life in many communities in our Multiple.
Our mission is to provide District-Wide support for worthy projects, which would otherwise be beyond the means of individual clubs or districts. Click here to learn more
Lions SEE, Inc
Lions "Screening Eyes Early" Free vision screening to help identify children with or at risk for amblyopia, offered by your local Lions Clubs in collaboration with the Lions SEE Program at the Ira G. Ross Eye Institute.
The mission of Lions SEE, Inc. (Screening Eyes Early) is to decrease childhood blindness through early detection and treatment of the most common vision disorders that cause Amblyopia; insuring that all children of New York State will be able to SEE their future
* Empire State Special Needs Experience - Lions Camp Badger
* New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation
* Lions SEE Program - free vision screening for children.
* MD20 Lions Quest web site
Other MD20 Projects
* Brandel-Murphy Foundation
* The Lions Eye Bank for Long Island
* MD20 Lions World Trade Center Relief Activities
* New York Lions Clubs Website Links
* Lions Kids Sight USA
* Health Resources For Lions & Communities
* Lions Clubs International
* Create a FREE Website for you club
* FAQ club website
* Club Resource page
* Important Tax Information
* Club Insurance
* Lions Club Digital Catalogue
* Peace Poster Contest
* Helen Keller Speech to the Lions
* Lions Program Sites in USA
* Lions Clubs International Foundation
Lions Clubs across New York State & Bermuda do many things. Here are the 5 that we focus on globally.
Click here or on the image to learn more.
Click to learn a little Lions Clubs history.
The International Association of Lions Clubs began as the dream of Chicago businessman Melvin Jones. He believed that local business clubs should expand their horizons from purely professional concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large.
Jones' own group, the Business Circle of Chicago, agreed. After contacting similar groups around the country, an organizational meeting was held on June 7, 1917, at the LaSalle Hotel in Chicago. The new group took the name of one of the groups invited, the "Association of Lions Clubs," and a national convention was held in Dallas in October of that year. A constitution, by-laws, objects and code of ethics were approved.
Among the official objects adopted in those early years was one which read, "No club shall hold out the financial betterment of its members as its object." This object has remained one of the association's main tenets ever since.
Just three years after its formation, the organization became international when the first club in Canada was established in 1920. Major international expansion continued as clubs were established, particularly throughout Europe, Asia and Africa during the 1950s and 60s.
Why Lions are "Knights of the Blind"? - Perhaps the single event having the greatest impact on the association's service commitment occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the Lions at their international convention in Cedar Point, Ohio USA. It was there that she challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness."
In 1990 Lions launched their most aggressive sight preservation effort to date, SightFirst. The more than US$130 million-plus program strives to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness by closing the gap between existing health care services and those that remain desperately needed.
Broadening its role in international understanding, the association helped the United Nations form the Non-Governmental Organizations sections in 1945, and continues to hold consultative status today. Each year, during The Lions Day With The United Nations ceremonies, an award is presented to the grand prize winner of the Lions International Peace Poster Contest.
Since those first years, the association has grown to include 1.4 million men and women in more than 44,000 clubs located in approximately 185 countries and geographical areas.
They are volunteer members of clubs grouped under an International organization, where they enjoy fellowship, and dedicate part of their free time to help those in need all over the world, while making their individual communities a better place to live in.
Scroll down to download the most recent MD-20 Quarterlies. If you'd like previous quarters just contact us here and we'll send them to you.
Guidelines for submitting information for the MD20 Magazine published 4 times a year.
They are: October, January, March, and June.
Article deadlines 30 days before publication
Articles should be submitted in typed form (when possible) in upper and lower case.
When e-mailing, the documents should be in simple word format (Microsoft Word is acceptable).
Do not use graphics or logos downloaded from the Internet. These are of poor quality and do not print correctly. Any graphics or logos you would like printed, please send a clean/crisp copy by mail (do not bend).
Photos can be submitted in black and white or color and can be of any size; we will reduce or enlarge when necessary.
Do not fax graphics or photos.
If submitting photos by e-mail, they can be of the following formats: JPEG, hi-res PDF, or TIFF.
Write short captions for all photos. Do not write on the backs of the photos. Names should be carefully written so they can be easily deciphered. Please check for correct spelling..
Send ALL articles and photos to your District Reporter.
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